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Sing it

Say it with Psalms

Foundation: Ephesians 5:19

… but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, (18-20)


We gaan een heel jaar aan de slag met de psalmen. In tegenstelling tot voorgaande jaren gaan we niet 1 maar 2 Bijbellezingen hebben. 1 psalm en 1 tekst uit het Nieuwe testament. Dat kan soms beperkt zijn tot 1 of 2 verzen. Belangrijk is de link tussen de Oudtestamentische Psalmen, met hun eigen jargon, naar de toepassing voor de gemeente van Jezus Christus.


Afgezien van de Psalmen die we kozen voor de feestdagen, komen er 7 groepen van Psalmen ter sprake.



1. Psalms about life questions

We are going to spend a whole year working with the psalms. Unlike previous years, we are going to have not 1 but 2 Bible readings. 1 psalm and 1 New Testament text. This can sometimes be limited to 1 or 2 verses. Important is the link between the Old Testament Psalms, with their own jargon, to the application for the church of Jesus Christ.


Apart from the Psalms we chose for the holidays, 7 groups of Psalms are discussed.



2. Psalms about life stages

Does the Bible have anything to say about unborn life? How do we deal with children?

And what happens when we grow old?

A short block of 3 topics.



3. Psalms about emotions

We all have them and some can handle them better than others. What does the Bible say about anger, fear and sadness? What can we learn about joy? And what if our hearts are broken by pain?


4. Psalms about traps

What can tempt us to sin? What situations make us vulnerable to Satan's influence? How do we deal with poverty and sickness? Is our heart divided? What if friends turn their backs on us? Or when we are the subject of gossip?

Do we follow the majority in evil by following idols? How do our brothers and sisters who are persecuted still hold up?


5. Psalms about calling and destiny

If the question "mother why do we live" was not answered enough in the first theme, here come all the details. Our life beginning from our salvation to eternity.

A life to receive blessing and be a blessing. A life to follow God. A life of expecting God and finally reaching our destination in heaven.



6. Psalms about worship

From praise to confession. Praise from A to Z, with bells and whistles.

We are a people who know the sound of the trumpet, we yearn for God's presence, and as a bride we praise the Bridegroom.



7. Psalms about trust

Finally, we learn all the keys of trusting God.

Who do we trust, what do we trust in, and how can we trust

met de God die te vertrouwen is?

​ Every sunday, service at 10AM.

Click here for our livestream

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